• St. Sen Gayle Harrell Bill to Protect our Parks
  • US Army Corps Agency Slide Summary for North/Central district and Lake Okeechobee
  • Pal Mar, Gaza Settlement
Our Mission: Conserve, protect, and restore waters resources in the Loxahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers, and keep and restore the natural systems in Martin County, Florida, with a primary focus in the Atlantic Ridge Ecosystem.

Sen. Gayle Harrell has proposed a Bill to protect our parks from threat of commercial development (See August 2024)

Please sign this petition to support the "State Park Conservation Act"


In response to the August '24 development proposals by Gov. DeSantis and Gary Nicklaus for golf courses and resort "improvements" in state parks, Sen. Harrell has drafted HB 80, which will amend existing statues. Called the "State Park Conservation Act" it includes the requirement for managers of State conservation lands/parks to submit a management plan, inclusive of facilities, changes, or updates to the currently approved management plan, every 10 years. The focus of the bill is to "provide the greatest benefit to the state"; although that wording could leave some room for interpretation? However, the overall goal(s) of the bill is to define conservation use and provide guidance for sustainable natural habitat, inclusive of plant and animal species, and to provide access to those natural resources to all. This is a great improvement on the status quo and we support it, and thank you Sen. Harrell. The bill will require a public hearing, with a minimum 30 day notice prior changes. A copy of the proposal is here>> (SPCA)
- If you have comments or notes after review please send them to us for discussion with Sen. Harrell.

US Army Corps Agency Slide Summary for North/Central District and Lake Okeechobee

We recently received a copy of this slide show that contains agency comments, and was for discussion at a local Corps collaboration engagement meeting. I found it interesting in that it demonstrates the complexity of balancing stormwater and potable water needs (storage) and environmental effect, incorporating the various interests and needs of the agencies involved. Managing this altered system for the benefit of everyone is not a simple 1 size fits all chore, as even novice readers can tell from some of the slides. We thought our readers might find it of interest to see what our government agencies are doing. See > SLIDES


The Gaza settlement will transfer ownership of acres of the Palm Beach Heights properties in Pal Mar to the SFWMD and Martin County. In total it appears 1,713 (?) acres will be purchased or traded through this settlement by SFWMD and Martin County. This area has been identified by Florida Forever conservation plans and will enable protection of wetland areas which are vital part of the CERP and Loxahatchee watershed restoration. The Settlement Agreement is here> BAM Settlement

The LLHI is pleased to announce we are actively fundraising for our 3rd parcel. We are closing in on our goal of bridging the gap between the Atlantic Ridge State Park and Jonathan Dickinson State Park. We thank you for your support & wish you a bountiful New Year!


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