In February of 2023 the presently seated Martin County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) who we entrusted to serve the interests of the County, promised us a Western Lands Study. This was in response to mass public outcry about the Rural Lifestyle amendment that was passed to enable the Discovery Lands project. Here we are in September of 2024, and these same seated BOCC members appear focused on delivering changes to our Comp Plan that affect the Western Lands, and enlarge the scope of the Rural Lifestyle land use amendment, ignoring the promises made .

Reflecting on our current situation it is disheartening that the faith and trust we gave to some of those officials was misplaced. Since 2023 in various Workshops and meetings, residents have clearly voiced their concerns and desire to protect the Martin County Difference. This current Commission Meeting proposes multiple changes to the Comp Plan that will certainly affect land development in the Western Lands, but do not reflect the majority of the public's desires. In August, Martin County's citizens overwhelmingly voted to place new guardians in office that better understand the future that reflects the County's stakeholders. These are the voter stakeholders that call Martin County their domicile residence, that traverse the county roads on a daily basis, support its businesses, pay the taxes, use the emergency services, and breathe and enjoy the environment that our Commissioners should do their best to safeguard on their behalf.
Links to the BOCC Meeting this Thursday are below, as well as a link to a letter regarding this agenda & its topics from Virginia Sherlock, along with Commission contact information.
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